As the largest transport association in Austria, VOR combines all public transport in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland.
VOR is responsible for the planning, coordination and optimization of public transport in these three federal states for around one billion passengers a year. The core tasks include setting tariffs and timetables, as well as customer service and the allocation of transport services. All regional and city bus services as well as part of the rail transport services are commissioned by VOR in the eastern region. The experts of the transport association are also active beyond the eastern region as initiators and contacts for intelligent and intermodal mobility.
Traffic planning
Better on the move with multimodal routes: modern and efficient traffic management must create short, intelligent route chains from door to door. The linking of public transport with footpath routing, bicycle offers as well as Park+Ride and Bike+Ride options is part of VOR's multimodal transport strategy.
Service ordering & revenue sharing
VOR acts as a client for most of the transport companies in Lower Austria and Burgenland and as a clearing house for the distribution of income between the transport companies in the association. In this way, VOR ensures a comprehensive range of public transport in the region.