VOR monthly passes for students
For those who are not using the entire VOR network throughout the year or only need public transportation for a short distance to the campus, there are discounted monthly passes for students under 26.
Especially for students from the Vienna surrounding areas, these tickets, in combination with a semester ticket for the core zone of Vienna, offer unbeatably affordable public mobility.
VOR University Student Monthly Passes are only valid in combination with the ÖBB Vorteilscard 26 and a valid student ID.
Lower Austria: For students from Lower Austria, the discounted monthly passes were further reduced by € 20 in 2022. When purchasing the university student monthly passes in Lower Austria, the € 20 discount is automatically deducted. For more information, visit www.noe.gv.at.
Burgenland: Students from Burgenland who study outside of Burgenland receive a subsidy for the costs of using public transportation at their place of study. For more information, visit www.burgenland.at/semesterticket.
Vienna: For the core zone of Vienna, semester tickets as well as holiday monthly passes are offered. The semester ticket is valid for the respective academic semester (from September to January or February to June) for unrestricted use of all VOR partners in the core zone of Vienna. For more information, visit www.wien.gv.at or here.
VOR KlimaTicket Youth
The VOR ClimateTickets are a great success, especially for students! No wonder, as with the VOR ClimateTickets Youth, young people under 26 now have access to an affordable public transportation ticket as an annual network pass for the first time.
VOR ClimateTickets Metropolitan Region Youth: valid in the entire eastern region – in Lower Austria, Burgenland, and Vienna.
VOR ClimateTicket Regional Youth: valid for public transportation in Lower Austria and Burgenland.
For detailed information and prices for the VOR ClimateTickets, please visit https://www.vor.at/en/tickets/ticket-overview/annual-pass/klimaticket.
Where can I buy my ticket?
- Points of sale and customer service offices of the Wiener Linien (https://www.wienerlinien.at/kundendialog/unsere-standorte)
- Online Ticketshop of Wiener Linien
- Wien Mobil App
Lower Austria and Burgenland:
- VOR ServiceCenter at the BahnhofCity Wien West (.pdf, 3 MB)
- Customer service offices and ticket machines of the Wiener Lokalbahnen (Vienna Local Railways).
- Train stations and ticket machines.
- Stations of the Raaberbahn.
- Bus drivers on regional bus routes.
- Vehicles operated by NÖVOG (Niederösterreichische Verkehrsorganisationsgesellschaft mbH),
- the public transportation company in Lower Austria.
VOR Online Ticketshop and VOR AnachB App as well as ÖBB Ticketshop and ÖBB App (tickets secured against loss).
Conditions for the use of student tickets
- students up to 26 years old*
- valid "ÖBB Vorteilscard Jugend" (ÖBB Youth Advantage Card) or Disability Card > 70%
- valid Student ID
*Students (regularly enrolled listeners of a degree program according to § 3 StudFG) with a valid enrollment confirmation, provided they have not yet reached the age of 26 before the start of the respective semester (on September 1st for the winter semester or February 1st for the summer semester).